Around 8:30 a.m. I woke up at my girlfriend’s apartment. She got ready for work and headed out. I texted back and forth with my mom, and one of my best friends Chris and we made plans to have a birthday lunch for me at The Anchor Pub in Beverly.
At 11:30 a.m. I arrived at the Anchor I side of the table outside for a little while for my mother to arrive, and shortly after Chris arrived. I got the fried clams, and I really wasn’t happy with the meal. The clams were not cooked properly and still had oil from the frialator on them. It wasn’t a lot of food either, I’m a pig and I eat a lot.
After I ate the clams plate, I got a bowl of clam chowder. It was good spending time with my mom and my best friend. They’re both chatterboxes, so they talked with each other extensively about various goings on in their lives while I just sat silently and listened.
I’m so grateful to be surrounded by so many amazing people. I still had the cold so I avoided any contact, and we stayed outside.
After we ate and talked for a while you said goodbyes and I went to my truck to sit for a minute and I scrolled through social media. News had come out that Matthew Farewell, a police officer who had statutorily raped a young girl when she was 15 who was in a police explorer program in high school, and had maintained a relationship with her up until 23 years of age, and who had also gotten her pregnant, and then murdered her in her apartment and made it look like a suicide, had been indicted for the murder by the US attorney’s office. The local and State Police had worked to cover up this murder, and deemed it a suicide when everybody knew what happened. The feds were behind the scenes investigating and building a case and now three and a half years later Justice will begin to be served. This is an important case, because the same corrupt police officers that were involved in framing Karen Read were involved in the Sandra Birchmore cover up. Certain officials, along with the State Police, and other local police agencies have been exposed for covering up crimes committed by their fellow officers.
The public is outraged and we have taken up the march to weed our state of this type of corruption. It has become plainly obvious that police officers and officials operate off of a code of silence and protection for their fellow officers misdeeds. They cover for each other even when the matter is rape or murder and the public is outraged.
I left The Anchor Pub, I began driving back towards my girlfriend’s apartment. I went the long way and stopped at my camp to grab my smaller tent. I want to set up another campsite just in case my current one either gets raided or destroyed. Ever since someone threw a bike in the path of my truck at the entrance I’ve been a little bit shaky about this spot.
I spent the night at my girlfriend’s apartment. I’m starting to feel better and get over the cold. I passed the cold on to her and she’s going through it too. She hates being sick, but she’s been good about it. We had a nice night together.