Today’s my birthday. I really didn’t do much. I took a ride to my camp to hang out and collect some things that I left there. Family and friends messaged me throughout the day, which was nice.
I spent some time hanging out in my tent, I will admit I’ve done a lot of laying and sitting over the last year. I guess I could have been more active. I think at some point I got to a place where I didn’t want to bother people anymore. There’s a feeling of vulnerability, a respect for other people’s privacy and space that I don’t want to invade. The amount of time that I’ve spent engaging with people, having conversations, and observing the situation of homelessness of others and myself is far more expansive than what I’ve recorded. This is why I’ve come to think that writing about the experience will hold more gems than hearing the stories of those in the street.
One thing I’ve struggled with is when you ask people to tell their story, oftentimes they lie. It’s such a mixing of fact and fiction that I felt uncomfortable saturating my work with stuff I couldn’t verify. I’ve taken up the idea that writing a book and exposing a lot of the fiscal irresponsibility that goes into providing services for those in need would be most beneficial to society.
I did take a video of a spider eating in my tent though. I felt a small cold coming on. I hate being sick, but it is what it is. When my girlfriend texted me to let me know she was heading back to her apartment I grabbed my stuff and I drove back to meet up with her and spend the night.