Identify Society Homeless 366 8/25/2024 Day 330, Sunday, Merrimack Valley, Pigs in Purgatory

8/25/2024 Day 330, Sunday, Merrimack Valley, Pigs in Purgatory

I personally believe that a large portion of the evil in this world is done intentionally by those in power. And then they rely on the expansion of that evil to be done unintentionally by the ignorant.

I woke up at my girlfriend’s apartment around 7:30 a.m. We hung out for a little while and then she went to work around 9:00 a.m. I stayed in her apartment and worked on writing, I really didn’t do much. She came back early from work, Sunday is usually a slow day for her.

We decided to go out and do something. I found a local farm that had a lot of walking trails so we decided to go for a walk and get ice cream.

The place was beautiful and they had a little petting zoo. We took a few pictures. All in all it was a mundane day. We drove back to her apartment where I spent the night.

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