My girlfriend and I woke up in my tent. We rummaged around and got ready for the day. At around 8:00 a.m. I drove my girlfriend over to her car that was parked at dunkin’ donuts. I gave her a kiss, then she and I went our separate ways.
I arrived at work at 9:00 a.m. I fielded calls until around 10:30. One call was an individual that is interested in shelter space. I informed them that we do not have any availability at the shelter. I spoke with the DMH worker Felicia about criteria necessary to sign people up for DMH services.
At around 10:45 a.m. I picked up The intake coordinator at the methadone clinic to come with me and do outreach near the Fruteria.
We were able to locate the new encampment where all the folks from the old West Street encampment had moved. There I engaged with 11 clients. I did coordinated entries onto the housing list for two clients. All other engagements have been entered in Vesta. The new encampment was nestled on a small walking trail covered with lots of foliage. It ran parallel to a larger walking trail. I decided to call this place the secret garden.
I drove the intake coordinator back to the methadone clinic around 12:30 p.m. and I went over to The faith-based homeless day shelter. There I engaged with Samara. Samara claims that she’d been living homeless for the last month and a half or so. She said that she no longer uses street drugs and is on methadone. We did have a female bed available so I brought Samara to the shelter where she was able to get a shelter bed.
It was around 2:30 p.m. at this point. I spent the rest of the afternoon uploading engagements into Vesta.
Around 4:30 I took a walk over to McDonald’s and engaged with the homeless people that hang out over there. I spoke with Erin who said that she would be coming by the shelter on Wednesday to be admitted into addiction treatment. Usually when people tell me they’re going to come see me in a couple days to go into addiction treatment, they never show.
I left work around 5:30 p.m. I drove to my campsite. I spent the night in the tent.