I slept in at my girlfriend’s apartment. She lives right across from a place that I’ve mentioned before called Life connections. A faith-based social service provider that offers food, clothes, and other services to the homeless. Life Connections has become an all day and all night hang out for people that struggle with severe drug issues as well as other mental illnesses. Sometimes there’s up to 50 people outside smoking crack, shooting fentanyl, drinking, fighting, yelling, and committing all other types of unethical, egregious, and offensive social behavior. I have nicknamed Life Connections, Drug Connections.
While hanging out in bed with my girlfriend, We were privy to an overdose, and a full-blown psychotic breakdown, most likely induced from drug use, within the period of 1 hour. I videotaped both of these from her window.
At around 7:00 p.m. my girlfriend and I left my girlfriend’s apartment. And she spent the night in my tent with me. I love when she sleeps with me outside. The company is good and there’s a natural feel about being in nature with your partner. I will admit sometimes when I sleep outside by myself there’s always this level of vulnerability and fear that I cannot shake. That’s why I always sleep with my weapons by my side.