7:00 a.m. I woke up with my girlfriend. Her apartment is still in dire need of organization after the big move. I stumble around over various things and get myself ready for the day. I drove to my work first, I forgot to put the trailer key back in the lockbox. I dropped the key off and then I drove to handball at LA fitness in Saugus.
9:00 a.m. It’s a good day on the indoor courts. Pat, Mike, Neff, Mark, and Dennis show up to play. We got a bunch of good games in.12:30 p.m. I drove to my friend’s house in Danvers. I spend a few hours catching up on writing blogs.
3:30 p.m. My friend Rodney picks me up, he just bought himself a new truck, it’s a Dodge Rebel. It’s a pretty beautiful and amazing truck. It’s worth over 50 grand. My friend Rodney gave me a ride to go pick up my $900 little car that I left at my friend Ed’s house because I got break work done on my $9,000 truck from my mechanic Scott down the street from Ed’s house.
4:00 p.m. Ed, Rodney, and myself hang around Ed’s tiny house for a little while and shoot the shit.
5:30 p.m. Rodney has invited me to go to a BU Terriers hockey game in Boston with two of Rodney’s friends. I really didn’t want to go, but he said he needed a fourth so I didn’t want to let him down. Later on when we’re at the hockey game I find out that Rodney only paid 15 bucks for the tickets. I’m glad I went, but I would have rather not gone. This is a picture of the moon over the big dig bridge in Boston.

We drove into Boston and arrived at the Agganis Arena at around 6:30 p.m. Once we’re in the arena we stop and get drinks. I drink non-alcoholic beer and the other guys just get regular beers. We grabbed some snacks and we found our seats. Hockey game was pretty cool, the BU Terriers were pretty good. We end up leaving after the second period.

The guys decided they wanted to go to a strip club. Rodney mentioned the glass slipper in Boston. I wanted no part in going to the strip club. I just wanted to get back so I could spend the night with my girl. One of the other guys mentioned the golden banana which is in Danvers. I couldn’t fight the decision since I was outvoted, I was just trying to plan a way to escape from the strip club. Once we get to the strip club I hang out and drink water with Rodney at the bar. Rodney mosies over to perv row. I tell him I want to get out of there before 10:00 p.m. at around 9:40 p.m. Rodney calls me an Uber to drive me to my car which is at his house.
At 9:45 p.m. I talk to my girlfriend and let her know that I’m on my way.
10:30 p.m. I arrived at my girlfriend’s apartment. She doesn’t like the fact that I went to a strip club, but I explained that I didn’t want to be there and I did everything I could to get to her apartment. After that we have a really good night, Saturdays are always great cuz I can sleep in.