5:00 a.m. I woke up in the tent. The tent is at a slant. Although I love my camping spot, the whole area is a hill in slants down towards the water. It’s like sleeping on one of those natural adjustable beds that’s always out of slant. Do a quick video and then I write a little bit.
6:00 a.m. I got ready for work. Once I’m in my truck, I back out of my secret parking spot and turn around onto the highway heading towards work.
6:35 a.m. I arrived at work. My outreach partner and I pack up snacks, drinks, socks, clothes, and warm weather gear for the homeless and hit the streets. In the afternoon I spent some time doing paperwork at the shelter. You’ll be hearing a lot about my travels and my experiences working with homeless people so I’m just going to leave today as a simple good work day.
3:00 p.m. I drove to Lowell to spend the night at my girlfriend’s apartment. I stopped at the dispensary on the way. I really enjoy route 101 that follows the river from Lawrence into Lowell and I found a cool dispensary there so I stopped in to purchase a product.
4:00 p.m. when I arrive at my girlfriend’s apartment. I noticed that her Honda Pilot isn’t there. When she lets me into the apartment I ask her where she parked her car. She told me where I had thought it should be. I then told her that it probably got towed. I had to call the police station and have them direct me to the tow yard where it might be. What blows my mind is her car wasn’t blocking any driveways, it wasn’t in the way of anything, parking is very difficult to find in this area. The cop had no problem towing her vehicle. Yet the police officers in Lowell, in this area, literally allow upwards of 50 people to actively use drugs in the street, and walk the streets all day and all night screaming, yelling, and committing crimes with impunity. I don’t know where this country is heading, but more needs to be done to help hard working Americans, especially those who live in areas that are highly impacted by drugs, crime, and poverty. My girlfriend and I got the name of the tow yard where her car was. We drove over there, and I paid $190 to get her Car out of impound. There was a really cool chill cat in the office, sleeping in a cat bed, named Monday. I paid to get My girlfriend’s car out of the tow yard, because I told her she could park where she had. I really want to find things to love about Lowell, but I can tell you today really f****** pissed me off.
5:45 p.m. We arrived back at my girlfriend’s apartment and we hung out for a little bit. At
7:30 p.m. My girlfriend and I drove to an event for cancer, which is held in honor of a good friend’s mother who passed away many years back. I met this friend of mine, when I began working with them as a client who was in early recovery after experiencing some setbacks in life. This friend of mine did really well in the program that I worked for, and was able to rebuild their life even better than it was before. That is one of the beauties of how our universe works. We literally get a restart button every second, everyday, this restart button is always there. When I hear people tell me how miserable their life is, that all is lost, that they can’t find their way out of certain problems. I think to myself how sad that is. In my mind in my life because I’ve lost so much and had to start from scratch so many times, I do not fear loss, every single second is an opportunity to learn, grow, develop and I’m not bound by all the seconds that have passed me by.
My girlfriend and I had a wonderful time at the event, and it was really good to meet my friend’s girlfriend, and some of his family members. We also make plans to play pickleball and other sports which I would really like to do so I can get in better shape! My girlfriend is an amazing the tennis player and pickleball player as well.
9:00 p.m. my girlfriend and I drive back to her apartment and then we turn in for the night.