8:00 a.m. My girlfriend’s son wakes up. And that starts the day for us all. When he gets up he likes to watch cartoon shows. We sit together on the couch for a little while and he plays with some toys.
11:00 a.m. there’s a big storm coming. I decided to drive to my mother’s house so I can visit her and help her with a few things. I stop at a grocery store and I get a sandwich before I arrive at my mother’s, since my mom said she didn’t have a lot of food to eat.
12:30 p.m. I hang out with my mom, and her dog Charlie. My mother uses a pellet stove so I help her with the big bags of pellets, she keeps them out on the porch, I carry them inside and put them next to the pellet stove for her. I also help my mother with a car cover that she bought for her car. She just needed help buckling the straps underneath the car.
4:30 p.m. I drove back to my girlfriend’s house. She had dropped her son off at his father’s house. It had already started snowing. Her and I just hunker down for the night. I definitely have an uncomfortable feeling that the snow could affect my camp. But I also feel confident that it won’t be that bad. I looked at the weather report and it didn’t seem like we would be getting too much.
7:30 p.m. I cooked dinner for the girl and I. We’ve been eating raviolis lately, it’s a simple meal and we mix and vegetables that I saute as well. The snow is really coming down now. I spend weekends, mainly Fridays and Saturdays with my girl and it has to snow the days that we’re together. The storm definitely makes me worried about my two camps, and what would happen if the snow is too heavy could easily crush the camps. The girl and I just take it easy for the rest of the night We stay up a little late till about 1:00 a.m.