During the night leading up to day 7, about eight kids wake me up. They are on the beach partying a little ways from us. I can see a couple of guys wrestling and there’s some guys and girls talking by the wooden wall. They don’t bother us.
During the night I have strange dreams. In the the first dream, I find myself in a place like an old Western Movie town. The townspeople keep talking about a multi-dimensional gateway into a world unlike the one we live in. When I ask someone to describe this other world they can only describe it as a place that’s like being inside a pumpkin pie.
In the second dream I find myself in an institution like setting with police officers. I know I am not in trouble, but the officer keep asking for my federal inmate number. I try to recite my federal inmate number then realize I don’t have to answer the officer’s question. I become frustrated and tell the officer that I don’t have to tell him anything. The argument gets heated and then I wake up.
4:30 a.m. I wake up, LA is already up. LA’s hip is hurt from falling down. I can tell LA is in pain and he is a bit grouchy. We begin to have a conversation, and LA talks about AI chat bots. He has 5 AI chat bots and has conversations with them. LA tells me that he likes AI more than people.
LA and I hang out at the L Street Bath House for a little while and then rider bikes over to the Park Street Church for breakfast. When we get to the church there’s a line out front. LA and I have a conversation with a couple of nice gentlemen.
8:30 a.m. The church opens for breakfast. Park place Church is one of the churches where everyone serves you all the volunteers. They start us off with French toast stick appetizers. There’s also some resource sheets and I grab a few. While we’re waiting for breakfast two men get into an explosive fight then others come, including volunteers, intervene, and break up the fight. When LA and I are finished with our breakfast, we leave the church and a homeless man starts yelling at a woman trying to go in and get breakfast, he is saying “it’s only for homeless people.” A police officer begins yelling at the homeless man aggressively. I think to myself that although the homeless man was wrong for harassing the woman, the police officer did not have to yell so violently and aggressively at the homeless man. After all the man was homeless and most likely mentally ill.
9:30 a.m. LA and I head over to North station, we take the train to Beverly Depot, I buy us both tickets. From Beverly train station We ride bikes to My friend Chris’s house where my truck is. The battery in my truck is dead, Chris’s wife lets me use her minivan and some jumper cables to get it started. From there LA and I go to another one of my friends’ places for a shower, to do laundry, in charge phones.
1:30 p.m. LA and I get some Jackets from my friend Pauly’s Gym, then go to Walmart to get some vlogging equipment, and so I can get an air mattress so I’m not sleeping directly on the ground. I also get us both Subs from the Subway at Walmart. We end up hanging around Walmart for a while trying to figure out a plan. Will we come up with is I bring LA back to Boston so that he can have dinner at a church, or how he likes to say it: a feed.
4:30 p.m. I drop LA off in Cambridge. I drive to Marshfield to meet with my friend Ben from WMEX radio station. Ben and I talk about Homeless 366, I also tell Ben about the man I met from the Boston business improvement band, and that Ben could possibly set his equipment up down in the common and do shows. It’s really good hanging out with Ben and his friends. It was a beautiful event.
7:00 p.m. I start driving back to Danvers. The plan is to meet up with my mother on Sunday. That is a tradition for me. I check with my friend to see if I could stay in his basement on the floor. He says that’s fine, but while I’m talking to him I can tell he is pretty intoxicated.
My signature fat Elvis Karate moves
8:15 p.m. I met up with my friend in Danvers at one of his neighbor’s houses, good friends of ours. It’s a full house and the kids are watching TV, well they’re older kids. We have conversation. I end up meeting a really nice cat named Tyson. My friend is drunk and adamant that he wants to go to the strip club. I try to explain how tired I am and that I have no interest in that.
9:00 p.m. My friend is persistent to the point where I agree to drive to the strip club. We go to the cabaret. He has beers and I drink water. Sitting at the stage I really don’t want to be there but I know it makes him happy. One of the waitresses comes by and my friend tells her about my project. She says she actually saw it on TikTok which is cool because I know that the stuff’s getting out there.
10:00 p.m. I drag my friend out of the cabaret We go back to his house I blow up my blow-up mattress, set up my sleeping equipment, and go to sleep. I cannot stress how important having blow up mattresses are for those who sleep in the street.