I woke up at my girlfriend’s. I told her that I was very happy in the relationship and that she had been really good to me lately or over the last 2 months. She then brought up perceived slights from the past, and became angry with me once again. She began sending me streams of text messages. Perhaps, I triggered her. I did not do this intentionally, but I’m glad it happened. It was a reminder of what my life would look like if I decided to move in with her after my homeless project.
Around 9:30 a.m. she went to work, and I left to go do whatever. I really had no plan. While I was sitting in my truck near my girlfriend’s apartment on Appleton Street, talking to my cousin about buying a mobile home that I saw on Facebook marketplace, I saw a cat with a leash walking down the street. I got out of the car and I took the cat around to find its home. While I was walking down the street an African American man told me that the cat belongs to a homeless girl. He told me where she usually hangs out. I took the cat to the Homeless girl. The homeless girl was crying. I gave her the cat, and then I gave her a stern talking to about taking care of the cat. I said if she can’t hold the cat make sure that it’s tied off to something. I definitely fear for the cat’s safety. But I do feel it was the right thing to give the cat back to the homeless girl. After I scolded the homeless girl I gave her a hug. I felt deep sorrow for her.
While I was walking back to my car I saw a friend. He was an outreach worker in Lowell for the homeless people. I met him when I was working in Lawrence as the homeless outreach coordinator. We stopped and we talked for about 15 minutes. It was good to catch up, and it is good to see a kindred Spirit.
From Lowell I drove to my mom’s house. I spent some time with my mom, Charlie, and Weezy. My mom and I ordered Reuben sandwiches with french fries from the Weathervane, a restaurant close by that has really good Reuben sandwiches. My girlfriend continued texting me nasty things, hundreds of messages, throughout the day.
I left my mom’s around 3:00 p.m. I stopped at AutoZone to put a new headlight in my little car. It’s a small project that I can do with a ratchet set screwdriver. I don’t want to get pulled over for having a headlight out.
After I fixed my light, I stopped at Target and bought some Hanes T-shirts and tank tops.
Next I stopped to visit my friend who works at a restaurant in Danvers. Whenever I’m around I try to stop and say hi to him.
When I left the restaurant I took a ride down the street to where my truck is parked and I switched my small car for my truck. I try to drive both vehicles regularly so that they do not get into disrepair. Driving actually keeps your vehicles alive, well the engines anyhow.
While I was sitting in my truck I received a message back about the mobile home I saw advertised on Facebook marketplace. It was a 1981 single wide two bedroom mobile home that needed to be moved. It was on a plot of land that had been sold and the new owner wanted it gone. It was in good shape, and it was a ready-made home for only $7,000. I just wondered how you would move something like that and where would you put it. The owner gave me the address in Seabrook NH and I took a ride to take a look at it.
The mobile home was in good shape. I took a look around the whole mobile home, and I looked underneath to see how it might be moved. It had its own frame and it had suspension with rusted out wheels. I Googled companies that would actually move something like this, and they did exist. It costs anywhere between 10 to 20 grand to move a mobile home. The only thing that you need to do is find a place to put it.
While I was sitting outside the mobile home I had a phone call with my girlfriend and we tried to work out whatever differences from the past that were bothering her. It was a very painful experience since I am always vilified and made out to be some type of horrible person or enemy. The whole argument was about something I said about a year and a half ago. After much talking, or should I say me being yelled at, we seemed to come to a resolution.
At around 7:00 p.m. I drove to Lawrence to go to the TMF dinner, the homeless dinner that I’ve written about in the past. I figured it would be a good opportunity to have a good meal and see some old friends.
After the dinner, and doing my rounds and saying hi to everybody, it was around 9:30 p.m. I drove back to my girlfriend’s apartment hoping that we would be able to move forward from today’s uncomfortable attacks on me, for what I perceive to be not that big of a deal. It seemed that we were able to come to a resolution, and that she was able to move on. I’ve been through this with her so many times, it is excruciating and I will not live my life like this. As much as I love her, and as much as there are so many good times. These episodes destroy any chance of a future.
I fell asleep at my girlfriend’s apartment around 11:30 p.m.