Woke up in the tent sick. I don’t want to miss work, so I get my stuff together and I go to work.
I Arrived at work early around 7:30 a.m. and I drove a shelter guest to court at the Superior courthouse in New Hampshire. The shelter guest had to appear in court for an arraignment, for a crime he had committed while living in New Hampshire. I returned back to the shelter shortly after 11:00 a.m. and I met up with Ezekiel at the faith-based homeless day shelter.
The Outreach team hung out at The faith-based homeless day shelter for about an hour, but we couldn’t find anybody that wanted to do coordinated entries into the rapid rehousing Vesta system. We left The faith-based homeless shelter and came back to the shelter to eat lunch. After lunch the outreach team took sandwiches, socks, underwear, drinks, and little hygiene bags to the encampment behind a local park and we met up with 12 individuals. We supplied them with sandwiches, drinks, socks, underwear, and hygiene bags.
We left the encampment behind the park and we drove to the Lowell shelter. We talked with the director and established a relationship. This was a good development because the director of the Lowell shelter would like to work with us in the future.
At 3:00 p.m. the outreach team drove back to The daybreak shelter. We finished up paperwork. Wrote the log and that was our day.
I was so incredibly sick I was afraid to sleep outside. It was after 5:00 p.m. and it was already very cold out. I was delirious, and was afraid to drive. Ultimately I had to leave, so I drove to my friend’s house and Danvers and I stayed there for the night hoping that this sickness would pass.