5:30 a.m. I Woke up at my girlfriend’s apartment. I gave my kisses, said my goodbyes, and I headed out to work.
At 7 AM the Outreach team arrived at the office. I took a picture of quote that someone put on the refrigerator at work. After putting together supplies, the Outreach team headed out into the street at 8:30 AM.

At 8:45 a.m. the Outreach team connected with Rodney, and Jeremiah who sleep under a truck behind a furniture store. We gave them blankets, food, hand warmers, and clothes. They didn’t seem to be interested in any other services at that time. Although Rodney did want help clearing up a warrant.

At 9 AM check the Outreach team stopped by behind the boys and girls club and met up with Tyler, James, Sean, and Jess. We provided them with gloves, hats, hand warmers, and food. Jess expressed interest in going to treatment, but does not have mass health. Jess said that she would go to The community health center to get mass health so that we could help navigate treatment for her. Next the Outreach team checked in with Alexa, who still wants treatment. We will be engaging with her tomorrow when Mitchell and Eileen come out with the Outreach team. We also engaged with Manny, Alexa’s boyfriend who doesn’t want any help with services. This encampment is right by the river, there were many people here that we gave food and supplies to as well.

At 10 AM the Outreach team came back to the shelter. We intaked Peter who’s been coming to the shelter regularly for a Shelter Bed and then the Outreach team worked on making a Phones connection to give phones to people in the street and organizing the Outreach trailer.
My day ended at 3:00 p.m. I drove to my campsite. When I arrived at my campsite, my town had been blown around by the wind. I did a short video.
I spent some time tying down the poles of the tent to different trees so it wouldn’t blow about anymore. I spent the rest of the night working on a few things for the almost 366 project, writing, uploading videos. I do a lot of scrolling on my phone looking at Karen Read stuff. With all humanity knows I often ask myself why are we as a society so bad at helping people. The only conclusion I have is that American greed trumps working towards common good.
Once darkness arrived around 7:00 p.m., later now due to daylight savings, it wasn’t long before I was asleep.