8:00 a.m. I wake up and I began to get ready for the day. I let my girlfriend know that I’m going to be heading out to visit my mother.
9:00 a.m. I stopped in Danvers to visit my friend. He’s been going through some things, and had texted me recently to thank me for being such a devoted friend. When I get to his apartment he’s sleeping. Sneak in as not to wake him and I spend some time scrolling around on social media waiting for him to wake up.
10:00 a.m. my friend wakes up and we have some conversation. He talks to me about some of the things that are going on in his life. I let him know that I’m always there to support him no matter what. You have an emotional back and forth discussion and then he heads off to start his day.
11:15 a.m. I call my mother to let her know that I’ll be stopping by. Sundays are Mom’s days. I go over to my mother’s house and she cooks me french fries and fried chicken. I spent some time with my mom and Charlie and let me not forget the cat Weezy.
2:00 p.m. I take a ride over to my friend’s Ed’s house who also lives in the same town as my mother. Him and I hang out and talk about life stuff as we always do. It is a smart guy, and we always have deep conversations. I met Ed while I was incarcerated as was he. We became really good friends there. Ed and I used to have coffee time almost every night while we were incarcerated together.
4:30 p.m. I drove to Salem to check on Mike. Mike is in his tent. I call into the tent and Mike tells me that he is cold and that he has a cough. I tell Mike that he can spend the night in my tent if he wants so he will have an air mattress and more blankets. I wait around while Mike transfers his stuff over to my tent. I will admit I had been having some difficulties all day and over the weekend. My girlfriend had been very upset with me for things and reasons that have long passed. I understand that people have trauma, but it is hard to pinpoint the depth of her dissatisfaction with me. Regardless, I’m working hard to be as stable and supportive with her as possible.
5:30 p.m. Once Mike is situated, I drive out to the location of my other camp. I took some snacks from my other camp. I also have a new blow up mattress. I hike out to my camp. There are some hills, I had strung some rope on a tree down one of the steep hills as a guide, and I used a parachute cord as a guide on one of the other steep hills. This has been very helpful in the icy conditions. When I get to my camp I do a video of me blowing up my blower mattress.
Later the video to show how the wind is blowing the tent around. It’s a cold night and my sleep is a little restless. Regardless, I get to rest and all in all it is a good night.