8:00 a.m. I woke up the girl. We spend some time together and get ready for the day.
10:00 a.m. I drove over to the library in Salem. I spend some time working onUploading videos in the car on the phones.
11:30 I walk over to the meal at Lifebridge. After lunch head back to the library to work on things.
3:00 p.m. I get bored and decide to walk around Salem. I get some food from Steve’s market and say hi to some homeless friends hanging out in the center of town. I walk over to check on the tent city. I walked down the shopping center and stopped and gave Cryin Mike five bucks. I talk to Mike. While I’m talking to Mike, my friend Joey and his friend Steve who is homeless walk up with their guitars. They’ve been busking in the street. I get a recording of one of their songs. I hang out with these guys for a while and then I go back over to Lifebridge to get dinner.
6:00 p.m. I go back to the library. I get a call back from Cryin Mike. Mike tells me that I can stay at his camp tonight. I walk from the library and I meet Mike Meet Mike outside Mandy’s Pizza. Mike and I walk a short distance to his camp which is in a wooded area up a hill near the hospital. Mike and I hang around an unlit fire. Mike gives me an audio interview. It’s super cold so we go in the tents. I stay in an almost collapsed tent with a bunch of sleeping bags and pillows in it. From my tent I can hear Mike playing “in the arms of angels” on his cell phone. I found out that my new friend Sean was given some bad dope and overdosed and is now in the intensive care unit. I believe it is Sean’s tent that I’m staying in.