Identify Society Homeless 366 3/23/2024 Day 175, Saturday, Next chapter in my personal romance novel.

3/23/2024 Day 175, Saturday, Next chapter in my personal romance novel.

I woke up around 8:30 a.m. in the tent. It was a cold night, and there was some sleet. I woke up single. After last night’s events I’ve decided to stay away from people that are mean.

I started reaching out to friends to see if anybody was available to hang out just so I would have company.

I ended up connecting with my friend Ed. I drove over to his tiny house and we hung out for the day and went out to eat. I treated him to lunch at The Century House in Danvers.

I will admit that I am sad, and I am depressed. I really did love my ex-girlfriend. There was a lot of good in our relationship. I had always said to her that betrayal would be the end of our relationship. I think in some way she tried to use that as a way to hurt me and manipulate me, thinking that I would try to convince her not to sleep with another man because I was leaving for the night due to her verbally abusing me. I’m sure she did not get the results she expected. I am dead set in my ways. If my partner betrays me or threatens to betray me I have no problem quietly walking away forever.

I cannot do anything for anyone else if I myself am not mentally well and physically healthy. I cannot be mentally well and physically healthy if I allow the person closest to me to abuse me and cheat on me. I would rather be alone than allow these things to happen in my life and accept them. 

After lunch Ed and I went back to his place and just hung around for a while. Then we went over to my friend Chris’s house and played the Golden tee arcade game that he had in his basement for a while. 

It was around 8:30 p.m. when we were done playing Golden tee so I drove Ed home. I then drove to one of my friends’ houses in Danvers to sleep for the night. It was torrential downpours, I didn’t want to risk driving up my secret driveway to my campsite and falling off the steep hill that abuts it.

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