My ex-girlfriend and I woke up around 7:30 a.m. After I left her a few weeks previous, she had gone back to her ex who’s a real loser. I was impressed because he did a lot of work in her apartment like putting up shelves and she was able to organize all her stuff. I guess in a sense I was happy about this because I didn’t want to do it myself. But once again he had become abusive with her. She did mention that they didn’t have any romance. She has said in the past that he has trouble making his sausage stiff. This is not a problem I have. Within the period of a day and a half her and I were able to enjoy each other. She achieved four big O’s. To be a well-rounded man in the society of today I feel you should know the secret of the O. One of the best parts of our relationship is the physical chemistry we have.
My ex told me that while her ex boyfriend was at her apartment he would become insanely jealous of me. She said that he got angry with her and threatened to beat her to oblivion, even possibly murder her. This is unexceptable in my mind. I do not abuse women. I just leave when I’m being accosted. I do not understand why she would surround herself with a man that hits her and threatens to kill her. A part of me doesn’t feel bad that she went back to him, since she invited it. Yet, I do feel bad because no one deserves to be subjected to violence or threats of violence.
We spent the weekend hanging around her apartment. We watched a series called Fallout on Amazon prime. We went for a walk along a river bridge in Lowell which was really nice. And we had lunch at Tacos Lupita’s in Lowell and it wasn’t the same as it is in Lynn.
I do believe that I’m having allergies, and possibly a cold on top of it I can’t tell. But it’s f****** brutal. I’ve heard that as we get older we become more susceptible to allergies and they get worse and worse this f****** sucks. I can’t even breathe at night and my mouth is constantly watering and I have to swallow the saliva and my throat is all closed up and sore. Regardless, my ex and I enjoyed each other.