6:00 a.m. I wake in Eden’s room. I got a good rest. Something was wrong with my stomach in the night that had woken me a few times. My diet has been more erratic moving around like I’d been. I go downstairs and get a seltzer. Shortly after I wake my cousin David comes down and we hang out for a while, and talk about his real estate business. If I don’t learn how to make a living off Identify Society I think it might be good to partner up with David and help him with his business.
I leave around 9:30 and head back to the North shore. When I get to Danvers I stopped to visit my friend. He’s looking online in a sees a bike for free in Danvers. I drive over and grab the bike. Next I drive out to check on my little car that’s having worked on it Pete’s garage. I only paid $900 for that car about 3 years ago It’s a little hoopty, but it’s really good on gas and it gets me from point A to point B. I also have the truck. The little car needed a clutch switch that activates the engine, and once that was put in the starter one so that was replaced as well. In total it cost me $750 bucks. I have money saved for this project but my resources are beginning to dwindle. While I’m at Pete’s I fill up the tires on the bike and find out the front tire has a leak. I tell Eric who’s working the front desk at Pete’s that I’ll come back later to pick up the small car and I pay him.
11:30 a.m. I drive over to Walmart and I get the necessities to set up my winter camp. I buy a bike pump and I use the patches in my bike repair kit to repair the tire on the new bike. Once that’s taken care of I drive to my secret wooden layer and I begin to set up winter camp. I don’t want to freeze to death this winter, it only makes sense to be close to where I have the most support. It takes me a while to set up camp, about two and a half hours.
3:00 p.m. Now that I have my permanent winter camp setup in a good location, I head back to my friend’s house to wash clothes and organize my gear so that I can travel comfortably between the cities on the North shore and experience homelessness in each one.
6:30 p.m. I grab my hiking pack with necessities and I head back to my camp to spend the night. I park my little car nearby and I ride my new bike the rest of the way. I trek through the woods in the dark. Some people use flashlights. I do not. I rely on my memory, the GPS on my phone, and night vision to find my location. I do not use a light when I travel in the woods in the dark because our natural night vision should be good enough for us to see where we’re going. People have become so dependent on technology, that they have lost their natural ability to live close to nature. When I arrive at my camp, I settle in for the night. I blew up my air mattress that will be my bed for the winter time. I think about what will be needed to survive in the cold winter in the woods. I mess around on my phone’s and I go to bed early before 9:00 p.m.