I woke up around 7:00 a.m. in the tent. I got dressed and got ready to play handball. I drove to Peabody to pick up my friend who needed a ride because his registration expired.
I partnered up with Patrick in handball. We won the first four games, and then we lost to Dennis and Mike. I realize I’m not in the best shape and by the fifth game I was too gassed to put on a good performance.
Around noon Patrick and I went and got a burrito at Tacos Lupita’s. After we ate I drove Patrick home. I took a ride to my friend Chris’s house. Chris his son and myself went for a ride to Burlington where Chris had his phone repaired. Then we ate at a tavern at the Burlington Mall. We spent some time walking around the mall, and it was good spending time with friends. After walking around the mall for a bit we drove back to my friend’s house.
I spent some time talking to his wife about my recent break up. I like to listen to other people’s opinions of things, and my friend’s wife can be somewhat of a devil’s advocate. I see the side of my ex-girlfriend in the sense that she feels wronged and she’s angry about it.
I also see my side that it makes no sense to attack a person and treat them poorly because they might have done things to hurt your feelings or offend you in the past.
At 7:00 p.m. I drove to Walmart in Danvers. I left all my toiletry supplies at my girlfriend’s apartment. I bought new toothpaste, nail clippers, shampoo, toothbrush, deodorant, in a small little travel bag to put it all in.
I left Walmart and drove back to my camp. I set up the air mattress I’ve been using for traveling, and I got a good night’s rest.