I woke up at my girlfriend’s apartment around 8:00 a.m.
I spent the morning chasing down a Grill for the Handball Tournament that was organized in Lynn by the Lynn Handball Crew’s best players Patrick and Dennis. We also received help from Will and Nancy, who are the Directors of New England Hanballers Association Inc.
We Had a great turnout with players coming from New York, Road Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts.
I partned up with a 70 year old man named Paul. He didn’t have a partner so I stepped up. I didn’t even think I was going to play. Figured I’d be a spectator and cook hamburgers and hotdogs. Paul and I got beat in two games, but we scored some points and gave our challengers a run for their money.
It was a great event with some amazing handball players. There were brackets with A, B, and C players. My girlfriend even came and hung out for a while. At 5:00 p.m. people were still competing so my girlfriend and I left to go to her apartment where we spent the night.