7:20 a.m. I wake up. I feel the drain from sleep deprivation. My body’s sore and I’m a little bit exhausted although I do feel that there’s been healing in my knees. I can see how quick a person’s determination in spirit could get crushed from continuous homelessness. I’m coming into the biggest part of this journey which will be surviving the winter. I don’t know how often I’ll be able to sleep outside once it gets below freezing. I’ll find myself in shelters. Dry shelters, wet shelters, night centers, and sometimes I’ll have to stay at people’s houses. I’m sure I will sleep in my vehicle. I can understand how people with substance use issues get stuck out in the street. Being homeless in itself is a physical and cognitive drain. Addiction requires a lot of energy, such as finding money or ways to get the substance. Mental functioning is impaired by using the substance. When the drug wears off a hangover ensues…..
America has been flooded with deadly synthetic opioids and methamphetamines from Mexican cartels. When I visited the harm reduction place called Project Rise in Framingham The woman told me about a program in Canada called safe supply. They give people with addiction issues pharmaceutical grade narcotics including heroin. https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/opioids/responding-canada-opioid-crisis/safer-supply.html
I don’t know what the answers are. I can say that addiction more than any other affliction I’ve seen is the saddest and most concerning of all.
8:00 a.m. I wake up at my friend’s house and work on my small car. After I parked it yesterday it wouldn’t start. I can’t figure out what’s wrong with it. I checked the starter, I checked the fuses and some of them seem blown. I’m just going to buy some new fuses and see what works.
8:45 a.m. I drive my truck to handball. We played handball from 9 to noon. We played doubles and I didn’t lose one game. It’s always good spending time with the handball homies.
12:00 p.m. I stop over at Tacos lupita’s for a Burrito, as is my ritual. From there I drove to Gloucester. There was a Karen Read protest posted on Facebook at 1 p.m. The Karen Read case is very interesting and I’ve been following it for almost 7 months now.

1:30 p.m. I arrive at Gloucester and there’s nobody protesting. I decided to go to the smoke shop and get some bugler rolling tobacco.
2:30 p.m. I drive my truck back to Danvers and stop at AutoZone to get the fuses for my car. AutoZone doesn’t have the fuses I need so I buy some dielectric grease for greasing electrical components, and I drive across the street to advance Auto. Advanced does have the fuse as I need so I buy those. There is a costume store open right across from AutoZone. I have a Halloween fundraiser party to go to for Karen Read. I buy an inmate costume that is too small. The place was ransacked and that was really all that was left.
3:30 p.m. I put the new fuses in the little car, and it still doesn’t work. All I can find on YouTube about starting issues with that type of car are people complaining about the relays in the fuse box. I scrapped that project for now. I went back to my friend’s house and I began getting ready for the Halloween party. I called my friend Chris and I asked him about the problem with my car. At one point he suggests that it’s a clutch switch. A switch that sends power to the engine when you press the clutch in. I hadn’t thought of it. I’m on my way out but I plan on pumping the clutch and trying to start the car tomorrow.
6:10 p.m. All costumed up I drove to the Karen Read Halloween party. Because of Salem, the traffic is atrocious. It takes me about 50 minutes to drive from Danvers to the Malden moose Lodge right off of route 99. The Karen Read fundraiser is a good time. There’s a lot of people with a lot of great costumes, most of the costumes are relative to the debacle that is the state and Norfolk county investigation and prosecution of Karen Read for the murder of her boyfriend Boston police officer John O’Keefe. Anyone who is unfamiliar with this case should look it up. The evidence in the case implies that John O’Keefe was murdered in the house at 34 Fairview road, not hit by Karen Read’s Lexus. 34 Fairview road was owned by a decorated police officer, with connections to the lead investigator in the Karen Read case. This has been the true crime rabbit hole I’ve been down, here’s some of the red flags in the case.

10:00 p.m. I ended up staying out a little bit later with some friends I met at the Halloween party. I don’t want to stay out all night. I leave these people at 12:30 a.m. and drive to my friend’s house where I end up sleeping.